Students will have access to numerous training aids in order to help them feel the correct movements and help speed up improvement. Training aids can be a critical component of learning better technique, as they force the player out of their comfort zone – but in a good way! In addition, video analysis will be a key component of every lesson so that students can visually understand the flaws in technique and have a better mental picture of what needs to happen to get better.
Here are a few of the training aids employed by Mark Russo, PGA for lessons:
- Video Analysis w/ Hudl Technique
- Tour Striker 7 Iron
- Tour Striker Plane Board & Impact Trainer
- Tour Striker Educator
- Tour Striker Smart Ball
- Orange Whip Trainer
- Orange Peel Trainer
- Orange Whip Magic Wand Putter
- Eyeline Golf Products
- Full Length Mirror
- Alignment Rods
- Trajectory Goal
- Foam Noodles
- Putting Mirror
- Putting Rails
- Landing Targets for Chipping & Pitching
- Golfer’s Toolbox
- Hockey Sticks